Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Am I being ungrateful?
Staring at those faces on TV. I just feel like I want to absorb every detail, hoping they would somehow occur to me. Why is fate keeping me unattended? It's like I have to spend my life writhing and wriggling my phantasies just to abstract some kind of blotched self carved home made reality. I guess I just have to keep on watching the damn TV, because on the back of my head I know that fate is giving me the finger.
But does that make me ungrateful for wanting an alternate pink wallpaper for my wall?

Monday, May 04, 2009

To Nowhere

Wishful thinking is something I can do exceptionally good because it's the thread that ties my tears from falling and my fear from rampaging. Wishful thinking is the contemplation of what my soul calls divine. With this chariot I am going away gradually.