Friday, April 30, 2010

Schmerzen kommen und gehen, wie sie wollen. Oft weilen sie auch länger und fühlen sich bei mir wie zu Hause.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Because I was impulsive I have fallen in love with you and driven you away. Because I was impulsive I have fallen hard to the ground and was scattered to pieces. Because I was impulsive I have run right back at you the day you smiled at me
and thus made me vulnerable again. Because I was impulsive I have smiled back at you the brightest smile and thus blinded the sun.

Because I am impulsive I am writing this to you


You would never say the word to me,
just as I would never say to you:
"I don't know"
to every question you'd ask about us

You would never let me hear that word from you,
just as I would never let you wait to have my love,
just as I would never let you stand in uncertainty,
just as I would never let you ache missing me

So in the time being I will chant the word
in a song

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Missing List

I miss your eyes: their smile
I miss your lips: their kiss
I miss your hands: their touch

I miss our walks
I miss our talks
I miss our laughs

I miss you

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just leave it to me to wrong what is right and leave it to him to ruin the chaos

Thursday, April 08, 2010


It was like walking with one foot,
where every step was a painful struggle.
Balance was something I had long forgotten,
for days were filled with stumbles and falls.

Exhausted, terrified, weary;
I tried moving forward lonesome,
ignoring the soreness and the pain,
hoping that
someday I would just get used to everything.

But you came along, my friend.
I did not take a look over my shoulder.
You were just there catching up.
Without me even crying out for any help.

You lend me your legs for me to walk upright.
You give me your voice for me to laugh out loud.
You offer me your warmth for me to stop trembling.
You endow me your presence for me to feel accompanied.

Heal me
Protect me
Stay with me

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

"You're everything that I've become, you're every word I say."

It doesn't matter how much I try, the images keep on popping inside my head, the liquid from the bubbles are rushing down through my throat and lungs into my heart. Flooding it with the sharp blades of sweet recollections.

"I need a bell, a book and candle to keep your ghost away." Eddy Reader.